Why it Works

Research Tested
OpenBook English is a research-based literacy and language software program whose design, evaluation, and ongoing development is guided by the scientific method:
Systematic and empirical methods
Rigorous data analyses
Reliable and valid data collection
Strong research design
Detailed results that allow for replication
Results subject to scrutiny

Learner Proven
"Our test scores have been phenomenal for the last ten years. We are the highest in the tri-county area --hundreds of schools because of your program."
- Donna Barberio, Integrations Systems Support Specialist Frankfort, NY

Guided Practice
Students get robust guided practice, hear stories with the target sounds and associated vocabulary read aloud, practice writing with a word processor that says each word as it's typed, and experience other lessons designed to build comprehension.
My experience as a first/second grade teacher and an adult ESL
education teacher has allowed me the opportunity to see all kinds of
phonetic/reading programs. I have even taught English at universities in
Japan and China. Without a doubt OpenBook is the best program I
have ever used to build the needed foundation for the mastery of
English. Since Covid 19, I am using OpenBook on my second grade
granddaughter, who has some learning issues, to strengthen her
reading skills. OpenBook’s guided practice and comprehensive program
provides her with the various skills and practice needed to become an
efficient reader.
I highly recommend this program for any students who are ESL,
emergent readers or a struggling readers. OpenBook provides practice
with 52 phonemes to decode words, but it also provides word
recognition, spelling practice, comprehension drills, vocabulary
development and writing skills. You have to see how comprehensive
the program is to value its effectiveness. Also, the reading texts are
informational and aligned to school curriculum.
Constance Franke
"All participants in the study showed higher levels of interest and sustained attention to the reading lessons in the OpenBook program. Overall, the findings in the study indicate the OpenBook computer-based reading program increased student engagement, decreased behavior problems during reading instruction and increased reading fluencey, comprehension, and picture identification skills in students with Autism spectrum disorder."
“Our test scores have been phenomenal for the last ten years. We are the highest in the tri-county area – hundreds of schools – because of your program.”
“OpenBook has a variety of lesson presentations, such as graphs and charts. OpenBook also has a helpful feature that provides instruction in oral pronunciation. OpenBook is very useful with secondary-level students.”